

Have you ever wanted to dress up and play with your favorite animals all day? The Minnesota Renaissance Festival is just around the corner!

The Herpetological Society has had our home at the MN Renaissance Festival since 1983. First partnering with the Como Zoo and then in 1997 taking over Como Cottage as a place to showcase and educate the public about our favorite animals. This is a hands-on education event that allows us to connect with more of the public and discuss animal conservation, husbandry, and give them a chance to interact with the animals.

Another great thing about volunteering at the MN Renaissance Festival is you get parking and attendance to the whole of the festival for FREE! All you need to do is volunteer 4 hours during the day (split up however works best for you) and then enjoy the rest of the day at the fest. You can volunteer for a single day or (as some of us do) every day we can get out there since it is so fun. If you don’t have a costume that is fine. Over the years we have collected costumes for anyone to borrow so they can be part of the experience. And if you hang out with us on Saturdays we host a themed Pot Luck after hours to join in and eat some wonderful food.

This event is the single largest donation event that the MN Herpetological Society hosts every year. The donations we raise go to sponsoring events as well as supporting important grants and education for the future. Your time and smiles help make this organization the best home for all of us herp lovers to hang out with like minded people and share our joy of animals.

If you have any interest in joining and for more details please email Crystal at

When you are ready to join us, please let us know by the Tuesday before the weekend that you plan to arrive, particularly if it is your first time.