September ’16 Speaker – Richard Glor
Speaker – Dr. Richard Glor Bio: Rich Glor is a lifelong helper who developed his passion for reptiles and amphibians as a teenage volunteer at the Buffalo Zoo and later as a member of the Cornell University Herpetological Society. He earned his PhD in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Washington University in St. Louis through work on the evolution of species richness in anole lizards. He conducted postdoctoral work at the University of California, Davis in the Center for Population Biology before spending several years as a professor at the University of Rochester. He joined the University of Kansas in…
August ’16 Talk: Herpetological Conservation International’s Project Pondo
Chip Cochran of Herpetological Conservation International Bio: Chip Cochran is a PhD candidate in Dr. William K. Hayes lab at Loma Linda University where he is studying morphological, dietary, and venom composition differences among populations of southwestern speckled rattlesnakes (Crotalus pyrrhus). He received his BS from The University of Arizona in 2006 where he majored in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. During his time at the University of Arizona he worked in Matt Goode’s lab primarily radio tracking Tiger rattlesnakes (C. tigris) for a project investigating the effects of golf courses on Tucson herpetofauna. His research interests include: reptile venom proteomics…