Get involved in the MHS!
The Minnesota Herpetological Society is comprised entirely of unpaid, volunteer positions. Virtually everything accomplished by the Society is done through individual or group incentive, effort, and vision. Much of what is done may not be visible, but is necessary for the success of the Society. MHS is very proud of the high percentage of active, dedicated volunteers. There are many opportunities available to those willing to devote their time and energy by becoming a contributor. Contributions need not be monetary to be effective. Participation of our active membership determines the direction of MHS. Think of how you can help MHS grow, move forward, and find new directions to explore. This is, after all, your society.
Our General Meetings are always open to the public, though some features (like adoptions) are restricted to members only. Listen and learn as a new attendee and meet others with shared interests. If you’ve been to a few meetings, you might consider volunteering for special tasks as they arise.
Meeting take place the first Friday of each month form 7-9 PM doors open at 6:30 PM
Meeting Location: Harriet Alexander Nature Center 2520 Dale St N, Roseville, MN 55113
Get involved as a volunteer educator in one of MHS’s Education programs, such as Informal Q&A programs or the Renaissance Festival. Bring a reptile or amphibian from home or ask a coordinator if there will be extra reptiles to display and discuss at an event.
To submit a program request or volunteer reach out to
Animals who aren’t adopted at a meeting or who need to recover some health are often in need of in-home care between meetings. If you have space for more reptiles and amphibians but aren’t ready to commit to another animal long-term, consider fostering for the MHS. to become a foster please reach out to
The annual field survey in June is an excellent opportunity to volunteer with the MHS and contribute to the efforts of Minnesota’s state parks and the DNR. It’s also a great way to learn to find reptiles and amphibians in the wild, whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned field herper!
Reach out to Jeff LeClere
If you enjoy party decorating, volunteer to assist in setting up the Holiday Banquet. If you enjoy cataloging and arranging tables, volunteer to assist in setting up the White Snake Sale. If you enjoy playing host in the wilderness, volunteer to assist at Base Camp for the annual Field Survey.
While this is just an abbreviation of all the duties of each position, they do constitute a rough estimation of the requirements!
Named Positions
President – Runs board meetings; Welcomes and makes announcements in General Meetings; Responds to emails on behalf of MHS; Fills out paperwork on behalf of MHS as necessary; Distributes newsletter and other mass emails.
Vice President – Arranges guest speakers for MHS general meetings; Runs meetings as necessary in absences of the President.
Treasurer – Tracks spending and income of the MHS; Issues checks; Reimburses approved MHS purchases; Proposes MHS budget for the coming year.
Recording Secretary – Takes minutes of board meetings; Takes notes on speaker presentations and submits a summary of the presentation for the newsletter.
Membership Secretary – Maintains membership database, updating membership renewals and adding new members; Retrieves membership information for members upon request.
Newsletter Editor – Requests and collects content from others; Edits newsletter and submits file to President for review and distribution.
Members at Large
MHS has four MAL board positions. MALs have a vote on the board and generally help out with things that are needed. MALs open the supply cabinets, post up signs, and generally prepare the room before a General Meeting and put the MHS materials away at the end of the meeting. This is a position most people begin in when joining the board of directors for the first time.
Board Elections
Held in November at our Annual Meetings. Every current member aged 10+ is eligible to vote.
Several of our committees are made up of multiple people working together to plan or execute programs for the MHS. Many of our committees are made up of one single chairperson working alone on behalf of the MHS. Do you have special skills and experience? Email a committee to find out how you can help!
Adoptions Committee
Education Committee
Holiday Banquet Committee
Conservation Committee
Grants Committee
Governance Committee
Financial Review Committee* (formed annually, two members working with Treasurer)
Midwest Herpetological Symposium Committee* (formed in applicable years)
For more information, please feel free to contact someone on the Board.