Starting on December 6, 2024, and running through all of 2025, MHS meetings will now be held at the Harriet Alexander Nature Center (HANC) in Roseville, just a few miles from our current meeting site. The building is nestled on the edge of 52 acres of marsh, prairie and forest habitat.
A brief walk on a paved path leads through beautiful woods from the parking lot to the front door. (People with mobility issues or large items can be driven to the door and dropped off before parking.) Members may enjoy walking on the extensive boardwalk that winds through the wetlands before meetings.

We will meet in the main (upper) level of the building, which features large windows overlooking the nature preserve, a gas fireplace, a full kitchen, on site herps (a friendly fox snake and box turtle), nature displays, and seating set up for our program.
Rows of chairs will face the screen and speaker in front. Behind the chairs, there will be eight tables with chairs for people who need them (such as those who grab dinner on the way to the meeting). There will also be two tables at the back of the room for adoption animals. (We can modify this setup after the first meeting or two if we think a different arrangement might work better.)
HANC is located at 2520 Dale Street North, on the East side of the street. The exit to Dale is right off Highway 36, in Roseville.
There is free parking in the lot onsite (33 spots) as well as free parking in the lot directly across the street at the Arboretum (34 spots).
MHS has reserved HANC for every first Friday through 2025 (except July 4th—that meeting will be on July11th). Social time starts at 6:30 pm as usual and the speaker begins at 7 pm.
We need to be completely out of the building by 10 pm (so they can take down our setup and restore the building’s exhibits for its opening to the public in the morning).
We are very excited about moving to HANC! This is the first time MHS has changed our meeting site in decades. We could no longer use Borlaug Hall at the University, so a new venue was really needed. After a lot of looking, we were delighted to find a place that is more beautiful than the old classroom, via an organization that is more in line with our mission.