The Minnesota Herpetological Society currently only offers informal Q&A education program. Formal presentation programs are not available at this time.

Informal Q&A Program

This program is designed for event attendees to see reptiles and amphibians up close while learning about them one-on-one from MHS volunteers behind a table.  Animals are held by volunteers or displayed in containers as attendees listen, discuss, and ask questions.  A typical small group program is usually staffed by 2-5 MHS volunteers. This program is popular for STEM events, and other events where many patrons come and go freely from presentations.

MHS is currently offering only a very limited amount of Informal Q&A programs with limited weekend or evening availability. 

Formal Presentation Program (Not Currently Offered)

This program is designed for an audience in a classroom or similar space.  An experienced MHS volunteer will give a single prepared presentation about reptiles and amphibians to a large group, and animals may be available for closer viewing afterwards.  Classroom programs are typically staffed by 1-2 volunteers.  Projector availability for PowerPoint may be preferred for some presentations.

MHS has Cancelled all formal programs at this time. 

Booking a Program

The MHS is a non-profit organization run entirely by volunteers.  When you submit a program request to our Education committee, a notice must be sent out to our volunteers to ensure adequate staffing will be available for that date before the Education Committee can follow up to confirm an event booking with you.  Submitting your request early allows us to do our best work.

To submit a program request, please include all of the following information in an email to

Name of special event or school:
Room number: (if applicable)
Date and time of event (including duration of program):
Set-up time:
Program type:
Where to park:
Coordinator name:
Coordinator email:
Coordinator phone number:
Number of tables available:
Deadline to confirm availability:

As a nonprofit organization, we do not charge any fees for our educational programs, but donations allow the MHS to continue providing them. All donations are tax deductible.

To donate, please provide a check at the time of the event or a check may be mailed to:

Minnesota Herpetological Society
PO Box 130366,
Roseville MN, 55113

Como Cottage

MHS runs a long-standing education program out of Como Cottage at the Minnesota Renaissance Festival. This event is a much larger version of our Informal Q&A program, with festival patrons learning from volunteers from behind a barrier in one-on-one-style discussions.  Learn more about Como Cottage here.

How to Volunteer

If you are interested in volunteering with our Education programs, please email to be added to our mailing list when program opportunities pop up.  Additionally, sign up sheets are distributed at in-person General Meetings.

When you volunteer for an event, any updates regarding the event, directions, or parking will be sent via email and follow up text or Facebook message.  If you have a question on the day of the event, please text, message, or email the Education Coordinator.

MHS is strict about all conduct involving live animals.  We have policies regarding health conditions, transport, and handling to ensure the safety of animals, volunteers, and the public. Before you begin volunteering, you must read and sign an agreement to follow MHS’s policies.  This agreement is reissued each year and will be available at each event.

Education Committee Chairs: Rae Rueber and Rose Maunu